age: 16
Likes: Long coats, huge swords (Buster Sword, anyone?), katanas, video games, manga, (Any?) Anime, drawing -DUH!,
Sonic the Hedgehog, Final Fantasy, Alternative rock / heavy metal / classic rock, punk anyone? (ah heck I like it
all-except annoying music), makin my own music via my keyboard and midi cables, Kingdom Hearts (it's the FF characters), Furries,
the list goes on...
Dislikes: POTATOES, blue screens, English and Social Studies class, hyper people (I guess I cant blame em, but could they
pleeez control themselves), loud, obnoxcious people (sorry guyz), people w/ bad humor (, my old artwork
(well at least I learned offa them), local, political discussion television channelsWHY?! OH WHY DO THEY PUT THAT CRAP ON
TV!!?!?!?!... *deep breaths through teeth, with clenched fists*ookay, anywayz, the list do go on ...
MSN name:
Yahoo name:
Joe's Specs: Concept Art
Linda's Specs: Concept Art
More specs possibly coming soon!